How is the alignment job done in your plant, by proven/tested alignment procedure and methods or by trial and error?

For the above question, most supervisors and engineers would immediately respond, "We always/only use proven, tested alignment methods / techniques / procedure and our technicians are well trained to handle any difficult alignment requirement."

But of my 40 years' experience, I like to comment, "In my Shaft Alignment training classes, I have seen supervisors/engineers use different formulas and alignment methods, mostly not knowing the basic alignment procedure concepts. The technicians mostly use 'trial and error' practice; and frequently tells the boss, "Rotating Equipment Shaft Alignment sometimes takes huge unpredicted time".

If you disagree with the above statement, well, shall we try the following challenge? For the following situation, what are the corrections needed at motor feet for Alignment?

shaft Alignment methods - Training class

Are you confident of your answer?
Who did the calculations, supervisors or technicians?
Was the calculations confusion free for both supervisor and technician?

In reality, the supervisors/engineers have many responsibilities/activities besides the alignment training and practice requirements. In such tight situation, is the respective supervisor/engineer available to clear calculation doubts that arises for the performing technician on the alignment method?

We suggest the following one day classroom Alignment Training Class on Rotating Equipment Alignment Practice:

The Rotating Equipment (Machine / Shaft / Coupling) Alignment Training Course will cover several alignment methods/techniques like Straight Edge, Rim Face Alignment and Reverse Dial Indicator Alignment procedure.

An important understanding required is the confident use of Dial Gauges. This topic is covered in detail using Dial Gauge Animation / Working with step by step procedure. The class explains the working of a Dial Gauge and will provide an in-depth understanding of taking and interpreting readings for Dial Gauge Alignment.

The training class will help in very clearly understanding the various Alignment methods and Procedures. The Reverse Dial Indicator (Peripheral) Alignment Procedure, which is also the principle behind the Laser Alignment technique, is dealt in explicit detail.

The Training Class, Course Takeaway includes:

  • Gaining the Knowledge & Confidence for handling any Tough Alignment Challenges
  • Reference material
  • Certificate


Yes Yen GraphiTech

Class Venue: No: 70, 19th street,
Venkateshwara Nagar, Kottivakkam,
Chennai 600 041, Tamil Nadu
Ph: +91 44 24514788
+91 9176238863
+91 9444009613
+91 9962128043

Please enter your details and date preference in the "registration form" below and we shall contact you on class availability and related details:

Registration Form

As a part of the social initiative to prevent the spread of coronavirus, please note that the Training Classes on Alignment are being suspended till further notice.
Meanwhile you can consider the online web based training (WBT) or Computer Based Training (CBT) options, which offers a highly practical oriented learning.
Thank you for the cooperation and please contact us for any query.
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Click for details about
Computer Based Training (CBT)
Web based Training (WBT)
Course on Alignment
This way (using Yes Yen CBTs) we can move forward with upgrading the fundamentals training, and have Yes Yen build more updated modules to replace our current material.
T. A. (Tom) Dahmen Chevron - Niche Refinery, U.S.A.
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