Fascinated with the Potential that Multimedia provides in Easily Grasping Knowledge, Passion drove Yes Yen GraphiTech towards Developing Multimedia Focused Learning content that can be Very Easily Understood by a learner and Greatly Enhance their Knowledge Retention. By incorporating the Multimedia aspects of Graphics, Animation and Interactivity, Yes Yen has come up with many Training Courses for the Industry (products), which have been Highly Appreciated and Very Well Received.

We are Humbled by the Warm Acceptance and this has only Fuelled our Passion over the years. We feel Obliged to share the development experience we have gained so that a Larger Audience is Benefited and have come up with the “Learning Curve”. The “Learning Curve” is a Compilation of content from various domains related to the Engineering Field that can provide a Useful Learning and Understanding on them. The content is largely available as a Free Resource. With its focus on Multimedia, the Resource is sure to provide for an Interesting and Useful Learning not only for those related to the Engineering Field but also for Anyone generally interested in the topics.

We look forward to continued support from the Industry as we endeavor to develop Core Industrial Learning Content and wish to share the experience gained with the ‘audience at large’ by enhancing the “Learning Curve”.

This way (using Yes Yen CBTs) we can move forward with upgrading the fundamentals training, and have Yes Yen build more updated modules to replace our current material.
T. A. (Tom) Dahmen Chevron - Niche Refinery, U.S.A.
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